Large Beef Bundle


We are currently taking orders for the following 2021 beef processing dates: 

Sold Out Processing Dates: March 29th, April 19th, May 17th, June 7th, June 21st, July 28th, August 18th, September 7th, September 28th, October 12th, October 26th, November 10th, December 14th and December 28th

  • We are currently sold out. Thank you for your fall/winter orders. 

It takes approximately three weeks from the processing date for your order to be ready for pick up at our ranch.

Large Beef Bundles are a great way to get a variety of tasty cuts and enjoy grassfed/grass finished beef without much freezer space.  Weighing approximately 20 – 25 lbs. Each assortment includes a variety of steaks, a few different roasts and lean ground beef.

$250.00 total sale price

SKU N/A Category

Additional information
Weight N/A
Payment Options

Full Price, Deposit